Adult kyphosis treatment

SPONDYLOS first started the treatment of adult kyphosis in 2009, which until then did not exist anywhere in the world.

Except of course the use of painkillers to treat pain and any form of exercise or sports when they were not in pain.

In large kyphoses the solution was surgery with extensive spinal fusion.

But what we noticed was that neither the medication, which was a temporary symptomatic solution to the recurring pain, nor the exercise in general did not help treat the kyphosis.

As for the surgery, it is better not to talk.

Adult kyphosis treatment program

Research and testing of methods in the treatment of adult kyphosis

In the beginning we used various methods of spine extension, such as classic gym exercises, overextension on machines such as the MED-X and other methods.

Eventually we came up with two of the ones that the patient could apply at home without the use of instruments.

The SCHROTH method and the amazing SEAS method of good posture and self-correction.

But from the beginning we noticed that the result of the exercises was lost after a while.

So we designed a special overextending brace for adults, as a tool to hold the results. After tests we came to the conclusion that the brace should be applied for at least 8 hours after the end of the exercises, regardless of the time of day or night.

Choice of the treatment

Each patient is evaluated on the one hand for the size of the kyphosis (mild, moderate, severe kyphosis), the type of kyphosis (formerly Scheuermann, neuromuscular, posture, etc.), its symptoms (pain, stiffness, inability to stand properly, intense squatting, etc.) his physical condition and capabilities.

In the second stage, after evaluating the above, the exercises of the SCHROTH and SEAS methods are selected, the brace is constructed and the patients are trained in them with courses of gradual difficulty.

Their condition is reassessed every three months.

SCHROTH method exercises

The Schroth method aims to:


– stop the deterioration of Kyphosis

– reduce the pain that patients experience

– increase the vital capacity of the lungs

– reduce the angle of kyphosis

– improve posture and appearance

– maintain this attitude throughout life

– to avoid the patient surgery (Τρ

SEAS method exercises

It is the method of good posture and self-correction

It is based on a special type of active self-correction, which is taught individually to each patient, and is then associated with stabilization exercises that include neuromuscular control, proprioceptive training, and balance.

Hyperextension braces

SPONDYLOS kyphosis braces are all based on the same principle. The principle of three-point which lead to hyperextension of the spine. What changes the formula is the opposite of hyperextension. That is, the point that presses the top vertebra of the kyphosis.

So there are infinite combinations but if we want to categorize them there are three basic types.


1. the High Thoracic (height of the top vertebra from the 8th to the 5th thoracic vertebra)

2. the Middle Thoracic (height of the top vertebra from the 10th to the 6th thoracic vertebra)

3. the Lower Thoracic (height of the top vertebra from the 12th thoracic to the 10th thoracic vertebra)

4. the Thoracolumbar (height of the top vertebra from the 3rd lumbar to the 11th thoracic vertebra)

The brace travels to … Morocco

Where was the adult kyphosis treatment based?

Initial Case

At a young age up to 30-40 years, the intervertebral discs are simply compressed in their anterior part and a deformity is created, without at this stage the composition of the disc changes but their degeneration has not even begun.

The deformity has the properties of plastic deformation, that if the mechanical conditions and the direction of the pressures change, then the intervertebral disc is decompressed.

Scientific basis


The laboratory-proven theory of Wuertz (J Orthop Res. 2009 September; 27 (9): 1235-1242) but also of O’Connell, on the biomechanics of the intervertebral discs, where they emphasize that:

Restoring the height of the disc depends on the width and duration of the weight applied to the surrounding area (muscles and ligaments)“,

but also that: “Physical activity is able to promote the correction or postponement of disc degeneration” was our guide to the initial trials of our treatment“.

Disc plasticity change after treatment