First Assessment

“The construction of a brace for Spine conditions is a truly complicated procedure, as long as we want to give therapeutic properties to this aid.

The precise transfer of the patient’s body data during the construction of the mold is a very important and essential for the exact rendering of the patient’s body.

This, however, is not enough, unless we want to give the patient an aid which has been tested in time for its properties, but it has not been made for the patient and his/her condition specifically.

Each patient must be subjected to detailed examinations by the company’s orthopedic specialist, and all laboratory tests be examined (x-rays, CAT scans and MRIs etc) so as to define the true needs for mechanical support of the spine,

As also locate the exact depression points, where corrective pressure will be applied to the patient’s body, using international scientific classifications for this purpose. “


Orthopedic Surgeon – Scientific Director

Before the construction of the brace, all the useful information is recorded for the best results, as well as for consecutive re-examinations.

First assessment using Formetric 4D

Using Moire principle and after computer processing, without touching the patient, a harmless light and Laser scanner offers us three-dimensional imaging of the Spine with the almost the precision of an X-ray.

The experience of the Scientific Director Dimitris Papadopoulos, with 34 years of practice and the world’s largest experience (> 31,000 examinations) in the use of surface topography (Formetric 4D), adds the importance of the clinical assessment.

But as the people say that the good tools make the good craftsman, we complement our experience with SPONDYLOS high technology equipment.