
Kyphoscoliosis, what is it?


True Kyphoscoliosis is a combination of true Scheuermann kyphosis and scoliosis, low in the lumbar spine in most cases.

That is, we have an anterior tilt of the spinal cord on a sagittal (lateral) plane, and a tri-dimensional deformation including the pelvis on the frontal plane.

There are even congenital kyphoscoliosis associated with abnormal vertebral formation. Usually are detected in an infant in the early stages of development and is not difficult to treat.

Also rarely have the secondary kyphoscoliosis, appearing due to poor posture, psychological stress, trauma and surgical complications

In almost all kyphosis, we observe a lateral deviation from the axis in the frontal plane, accompanied by the creation of some lateral curves.

In essence, these are not true scoliosis demonstrations, as they do not present rotation, despite the fact that this is why parents get worried and bring their children to scoliosis centers.

Of course, these curves must also be dealt within the frame of the Kyphosis treatment for aesthetic reasons.


The clinical image is characteristic, presenting with extensive curvature in the upright – lateral position, with curved shoulders, extended head with a straightening of the neck and intense lordosis, while the pelvis deviates in the opposite direction of the scoliosis, on the frontal plane. Relevant hump is presented in the scoliotic curve.


When bending forward, an intense acuminate hump is presented which is not corrected if we place our hand on it and ask the child to raise his/her back.


Conservative treatment of true Kyphoscoliosis is a combination of kyphosis and scoliosis treatment.

It is a really complex design and implementation process. First it is usually corrected scoliosis, low lumbar or thoracolumbar which constitutes the supporting base of the spine. Following the planned correction of kyphosis in the already corrected for scoliosis mold.

Kyphoscoliosis brace is constructed digitally which treats kyphosis at its upper part with the same principles as described in the kyphosis chapter and scoliosis in the same way as scoliosis is treated