
There are only few cases of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis that reach the stage of an intense respiratory problem with a reduction in vital capacity and FVC1 of less than 20%.

Patients with scoliosis cobb angle more of 75° and concomitant  Hypokyphosis of less than 20° .

Also patients with neuromuscular scoliosis >90°, are more affected with other concomitant problems, which affect, among others, the cardio-respiratory system.

Fot this reason our patients with major scoliosis, accompanied by Hypokyphosis, undergo spirometry to check the vital capacity of the lungs.

In case the vital capacity is low, they are trained in special chest development exercises and kyphotic exercises.

The examination is offered free of charge to our patients.

**  Read the lecture by our scientific director Dimitrios Papadopoulos in Spine Congress in Mondreal 2010

Επιστημονικά άρθραRelation-between-the-Characteristics-of-A.I.S.-and-Vital-Capacity-in-young-and-adults: D. Papadopoulos, E. Kapetanakis, SOSORT Congress, Montreal 2010.