Student Check

Student Check for (School Screening) is an institution that was created about 40 years ago. This was a visit of physicians specializing in spine diseases in schools, where they were examining all children for Scoliosis and Kyphosis.

The Student Checkl helps early diagnosis of scoliosis and kyphosis, diseases when diagnosed early can be cured. Especially in the early stages that pathological deviations are almost invisible to non-specialists.

Although on our page there are the basic tests for diagnosis by parents, we want to offer parents the confidence that they are made by specialists in them.

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Student Check is done in two stages:

Stage 1: Observation and Bending test


a. Observation

In the Anterior standing position we can see the following points:

  1. If the shoulders are level or one lower than the other
  2. If the shoulder blades are at the same height
  3. We check the inclination of the pelvis by observing the two imaginary triangles formed by the child’s body and arms. These triangles must be symmetrical. The opposite means an inclination in the pelvis

In the Posterior standing position we observe:

  1. The symmetry of the chest, that is if one chest is more prominent
  2. If the one side of the ribs protrudes more
  3. If the pelvis protrudes more on the one side

β. Bending test (Adams test) & Control with electronic scoliometer (Spine Scan)

The child stands to attention, joins palms and bends forwards with the knees straight and reaching down with the head between the arms, without lifting the shoulders, to form almost a right angle.

We observe the child and try to note if there is asymmetry in the back with the creation of humps on the one side of the back.

We pass the Spine Scane from the back of the child. Immediately the asymmetry of the trunk is shown in degrees, if there is one.

Depending on the measurement, if it is more than 5 degrees, it is an indication of scoliosis.

Stage 2: Formetric 4D Surface Topography Examination 

In the second stage (if the first is positive),  is checked by examining the surface topography with Formetric 4D, which has 96% accuracy of  of the X-rays, for certification and classification of the disease.

Using Moire principle and after computer processing, without touching the patient, a harmless light and Laser scanner offers us three-dimensional imaging of the Spine with the almost the precision of an X-ray.